Call for Papers
Authors are invited to submit papers through Submission From or directly to E-mail at
Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this journal. Authors note that paper cannot be withdrawn at any condition once it is accepted. The Team of Cognizance Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies advise you, do not submit same article to the multiple journals simultaneously. This may create a problem for you. Please wait for review report which will take maximum 05 to 10 days. Paper must be in CJMS format.
CJMS is Indexed in more than 150 Directories
Launch of Next Issue:
5st to 28th of Every Month.
Last Date for Submission of Manuscript for Next Issue:
30th of Every Month.
Advantages of publishing in Cognizance Journal
1. Best Quality Research Works are preferable
2. Nominal Fee when compare to other International Journals
3. If your paper is accepted, no need to wait longer because it is a monthly journal and we guarantee to do the review process as quick as possible
4. Cognizance Journal runs online on reputed web host, hence data is available at any time and probability of unavailability is NIL
5. All Authors will be given E-certificates without extra fee
6. All Articles will be assigned DOIs from CrossRef
With Warm Regards,